Friday, May 13, 2011

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9 stars out of 10

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9 stars out of 10

This movie was awesome.  It gives the effect of a stream-of-consciouness story (like The Sound and the Fury) as it paves its way through Jim Carrey's mind.  The film offers outstanding performances by (but not limited to) Carrey, Winslet, and Wilkinson.  It is not often that a film portrays a relationship from end to beginning but this film creates that unique perspective as Carrey's memories are deleted, one by one.  I particularly like how the beginning and end line up, though I won't be specific and create a spoiler.  Above all, this film is a masterpiece due to its sheer visual beauty as their world literally and figuratively falls apart in front of the audience’s eyes.  The filming techniques and constantly altered frames of reference give this story the necessary feeling of a dream.  It will take you a bit to wrap your mind around the concept but once you have been drawn into Joel's mind, you won't ever want to leave and risk losing Clementine until you reach the satisfying conclusion.

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