Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bananas - 5 stars out of 10

Bananas - 5 stars out of 10

Woody Allen is as endearing as ever, though this film as a whole can't compare to "Manhattan." This farcical script feels like a combination of Mel Brooks and The Marx Brothers. If you are in a realist mood where you are going to take everything seriously, this is not a smart choice. Every ridiculous situation (particularly anything that is covered by sports commentators) is intentionally way over the top, typically resulting in a laugh. Though Louise Lasser does not bring much to the film, Allen is big enough to drive the entire film himself (though I did enjoy the brief screen time of a very young Sylvester Stallone). It isn't my favorite Woody Allen film but if you are in the mood for a laugh, "Bananas" will certainly do the trick.

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