Dragon Wars: D-War - 2 stars out of 10
I am baffled as to how any person could have thought that this story would be taken seriously. Aside from the writers, director, and producer failing to speak up against this ridiculousness, how could actors like Robert Forster and Craig Robinson sign on for a film like this? The only thing that salvaged this film from receiving a one-star rating was its special effects. To be honest, the final half-hour of the film was really cool with all of these dragon-eque things attacking Los Angeles. Unfortunately, they simply tried too hard to make this into a “real movie” by giving it an extensive story about the girl with the dragon tattoo (leave it to the Swedes for that one). Had they resigned themselves to the fate of being a monster movie with a simple explanation of these dragons, I would actually enjoy watching this destruction. Instead, I’m forced to spend these awesome destructive sequences thinking about the Yu-Gi-Oh (or whatever it is) fleeing from the evil lords who have returned from a 500-year nap. Simply put, this story is so ludicrous that the film never had a fighting chance. Did I miss the part where they explain where these dragons came from? Did I also miss the extensive period of time while the main characters fell in love, because it seems like it happened over a total period of 18 minutes. It didn't even have a good start, with the first third of the movie consumed by an awkward double-flashback that prevents the character development from beginning until a half-hour has already passed. In the end, they probably could not have come up with a less-creative way to kill the evil army and conclude the film. How convenient - a magical necklace that makes our protagonist useless. Outside of the special effects, everything about this film shouts "Amateur!" As of 2007, this was Korea’s highest budgeted film ever, a laughable fact when you consider the story line and weak performances by Jason Behr and Amanda Brooks. In the end, it isn't worth enduring the first hour of this movie to get to the dragon sequences unless you are looking for a good excuse to mock the writers.
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