Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Marnie - 8 stars out of 10

Marnie - 8 stars out of 10

Although it isn't my favorite Hitchcock film, "Marnie" does a great job of creating intensity through confusion until the answers are finally revealed in the end.  Between filming James Bond roles, Sean Connery delivers this similarly suave role.  Tippi Hedren displays pure acting talent throughout the movie, particularly any time that she freaks out and through her transformation in the final scene.  This movie caught me by surprise, in that I expected the events that occur midway through the movie to be the ending; instead, Hitchcock makes you think that you have the movie figured out and then takes the entire thing in a new direction.  The character development is excellent, as we learn about Marnie in the first scene without even seeing her, and then get inside of her head and understand how she developed as a child as we see her interactions with her mother.  Despite a few slow scenes, Marnie is an enjoyable enigma that any Hitchcock fan will appreciate.

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