Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Emperor's Club - 9 stars out of 10

The Emperor's Club - 9 stars out of 10

"The Emperor's Club" is a heartwarming film about a teacher who both morally inspires his students and brings the Classics to life.  This is one of Kevin Kline's finest roles, as you immediately wish that he was YOUR teacher and find yourself with a sudden interest in Greek philosophers.  Emile Hirsch is the perfect antagonist in this movie and Kline's "tough love" approach to Hirsch is drama at its finest.  All of the students bring a different personality to the table and do a great job of supporting the main conflict, particularly Jesse Eisenberg, Rishi Mehta, and Paul Dano.  Just when you feel that the plot is comfortably resolved, two heartbreaking twists turn this movie on its head; and yet, this movie ends exactly the right way and will leave you with a combination of sentimental tears and warm fuzzies.

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