Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Night America Trembled (Studio One) - 8 stars out of 10

The Night America Trembled (Studio One) - 8 stars out of 10
One of my favorite historical events comes to life through “The Night America Trembled.”  This installment of “Studio One,” a live-broadcast tv show that was known for its high quality of acting, shows the power of the media by retelling Orson Welles’ famous “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast.  It follows several different fictitious characters through the events that actually took place on October 30, 1938 as panic spread throughout the nation.  From the young couple necking in their car to the isolated babysitter to the college frat boys, all ears are on the radio during this alleged alien attack.  The story constantly shifts from the panicked characters to the radio studio, giving us some interesting insight into how a 1930’s radio broadcast was created.  The format of the performance is reminiscent of the golden age radio mysteries, further transporting us into the atmosphere of this evening.  Edward Murrow narrates the film and the unknown Ed Asner and Warren Beatty have bit parts.  You just have to see this – it is an interesting retelling of these events and I hope that somebody will make this into full-length feature someday.

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