Thursday, February 28, 2013

Django Unchained - 9 stars out of 10

Django Unchained - 9 stars out of 10

"Django Unchained" is one of the most surprising films that I have discovered in a long time.  I have always enjoyed Quentin Tarantino's films but the previews for this one made me roll my eyes.  I never thought that he could pull off a spaghetti western, let alone make something great out of it.  I was shocked when I saw that it was nominated for Best Picture but I'm glad that the nomination forced me to give it a chance.  Its Oscar for Best Original Screenplay was absolutely deserved, weaving together an interesting story with well-developed characters.  If you were ever looking for a way to become desensitized to the n-word, this is it.  And yet, its overly-excessive language seems necessary for the events portrayed.  Of course, this strong language is contrasted by lines like "Last chance, fancy pants" that break the tension and bring some modern themes into this old-fashioned film.  The only aspect of the story that I did not care for was the Mandingo fighting.  I feel like the movie strayed too far away from Django's journey in the brutal Mandingo scene, even though it managed to tie into the storyline.  But other than that, this was a really interesting story, especially considering the film's length.  Although Tarantino did a great job writing it, these actors bring life to his words.  Christoph Waltz was absolutely the most deserving of the Oscar for Supporting Actor amidst a field of actors who had already won at least one Oscar in the past.  His accent is brilliant and the tedious attention to each line is evident.  Jamie Foxx may have trumped every character that he has played simply because Django is so cool, even when he's wearing that absurd baby blue outfit.  The raw bitterness toward the oppressive white bigots carries so much energy throughout the film.  I wasn't really digging Leonardo DiCaprio but the most unexpected treat comes from Samuel L. Jackson.  You knew that Tarantino would find a way to work him into the film but his performance may be his finest of all time.  I felt so much anger for his character, Stephen, and you will understand when you see the film.  "Django Unchained" is unlike any other film out there and, in spite of its controversial violence, language, and content, it is worth seeing to experience the great acting, headlined by Christoph Waltz.

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