Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lo Imposible (The Impossible) - 8 stars out of 10

Lo Imposible (The Impossible) - 8 stars out of 10
Oscar Week

"Lo Imposible" is pure emotion.  It is difficult to comprehend that this is a true story and the title is very aptly chosen.  It does not take long for the tsunami to hit and once it does, you will not be able to catch your breath until the final scene.  I wish that the writers would have spent a little more time developing the characters at the beginning so that we would feel a stronger connection between the separated halves of the family, but the connection eventually does manifest itself.  The film is all about Naomi Watts in a much deserved Oscar-nominated performance.  The sheer anguish that she brings to her role through her facial expressions and body language penetrates the screen and fills the entire room.  She has always been one of my favorite actresses but the devastation of this role puts it on an entirely different level.  She is complimented by Tom Holland whose passion to help others is a beacon of hope through the course of the film.  After filming in a massive water tank for five weeks, it is easy to see the physical and psychological implications of this experience on these two actors' faces.  Ewan McGregor also commands the screen with his emotions, no better example than his frantic cell phone conversation.  The tsunami sequence is incredible, garnering respect for mother nature and building a respect for the terror endured by its victims.  I am surprised that this film did not receive an Oscar nomination for Best Visual Effects.  The creators of "Lo Imposible" have achieved an emotional level that few films can reach in this beautiful tribute to the determination of the Bennett family.

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