Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blackfish - 7 stars out of 10

Blackfish - 7 stars out of 10

“Blackfish” is a controversial documentary with bold accusations again SeaWorld and their captivity of killer whales.  It tells three stories revolving around one of SeaWorld’s killer whales, each with a tragic conclusion.  SeaWorld stands to lose everything with the negative publicity from this documentary and yet, the extreme one-sidedness of the arguments made me question the validity of this information.  I understand that this has a persuasive intention but the opposing side is represented by one person who has two 10-second clips while the rest of the film is an outright attack.  The evidence is convincing and makes it hard to support SeaWorld in any form, but there is no mention of the preservation and rescue attempts made for this endangered species.  The film tells some shocking stories with video footage that will play on your emotions but I think that as responsible adults, it is our job to take it at face value and realize that there is more to the picture than what these documentarians are showing us.  I am certainly not speaking out against this film.  It is documentary filmmaking at its finest, presenting valid arguments in a gripping way.  But I would also encourage you to supplement the information in this documentary with this response from SeaWorld:
Obviously this documentary has put a lot at stake for SeaWorld and that is a testament to the effectiveness of this script and the importance of the documentary genre.

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