Thursday, June 26, 2014

Searching for Sugar Man - 10 stars out of 10

Searching for Sugar Man - 10 stars out of 10

“Searching for Sugar Man” is simply one of the best documentaries out there.  You can’t script drama like what unfolds throughout this film!  The topic is approached from several different directions, just presenting a biopic of the musician’s career, then exploring the mystery revolving around his fate, following two of his biggest fans on an adventure across the world to discover the truth, and finally with a heartwarming celebration of the musician’s life.  The theme of the film is simple but leaves an impression: nobody has ever heard of Sixto Rodriguez, but his music is incredible!  Consequently, everybody becomes a Rodriguez fan once this documentary has made them aware of his existence.  It is easy to see why this film won the Oscar for Best Documentary.  I love the mysterious angle from which this documentary approaches the musician.  We are as clueless as the documentarians as to Rodriguez’s fate, which creates an emotional investment that makes us anxious to eventually learn the truth.  This documentary is so good that I will not give any spoilers.  If this review has piqued your interest, you will not be disappointed with the journey that you’ll experience with “Searching for Sugar Man.”

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