Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Bad News Bears (1976) - 6 stars out of 10

The Bad News Bears (1976) - 6 stars out of 10

“The Bad News Bears” is entertaining but it just has too much language to be a family movie.  I have a vivid childhood memory of sitting down to watch this film (since we LOVED “The Mighty Ducks”) and having to turn it off because it was too crass for children.  It’s a shame because the language does not add to the plot or characterization.  It would be easy to represent this motley crew through their lack of skill and immaturity.  Then, if you saved the swearing for Kelly Leak, it would only require two or three swear words and the cigarettes to paint his bad boy image.  I actually think that the language of the other characters detracts from his image.  If they all swear, he doesn’t seem quite as bad.  As an adult, I felt like it wasn’t intended for me but I still enjoyed it.  Walter Matthau is great in this grumpy role but the true star is Tatum O’Neal.  She adds the human element, insecure about being a tomboy but having no reservations about sticking it to the boys.  The story evolves in a way that you really do care about these underdogs and want to see them succeed.  While I much prefer “The Mighty Ducks,” this is a good film for baseball fans.

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