Friday, July 24, 2015

Nova: Ground Zero Supertower - 6 stars out of 10

Nova: Ground Zero Supertower - 6 stars out of 10

Nova digs into the darkest chapter in American history to show and amazing story of perseverance.  “Ground Zero Supertower” chronicles the 9/11 Tragedy, the argument about what should be done with the land, and the engineering challenges facing the crew that built the tallest building in the United States.  From the bathtub-like foundation to the Subway restaurant suspended a thousand feet in the air, the construction of this building is far from conventional.  The greatest part of this documentary is the homage paid to the victims of the terrorist attack through the segment on the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.  The thing that elevates this documentary is the emotions on the faces of the curators who put together this museum.  “Ground Zero Supertower” is a good reminder of our country’s past tragedies but, more importantly, the ability to persevere and grow stronger.

[Pictured: A fitting memorial for our powerful nation]

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