A Goofy Movie - 7 stars out of 10
"A Goofy Movie" is one of those childhood films that will never get old (and one that I am thankful to own on DVD). For me, the film's most memorable quality is its awesome 90's soundtrack. The songs I 2 I and Stand Out (sung by Tevin Campbell) PERFECTLY fit the time period in which this film debuted and easily could have been played on the radio without complaint. Today, they are still incredibly catchy and make you want to be on-stage with Powerline! The film delivers a ton of laughs, particularly with The Leaning Tower of Chees-a, Bigfoot (and the Bee-Gees), and Lester's Possum Park (which is very reminiscent of Country Bear Jamboree - coincidence?) Bill Farmer's voicing of Goofy is magical as he is surrounded by the acting talents of Jason Marsden, Jim Cummings, and celebrity cameos by Pauly Shore and Wallace Shawn. Above all else, this coming of age story reaches deeper than silly Disney antics - on a much smaller scale than Toy Story 3, it elaborates on the ideas of growing up and a parent's desire to remain a part of his child's life. Heartwarming and hysterical, "A Goofy Movie" is for the kids out there who never want to grow up.
Hey cuz, congrats on your new blog! For my initial comments, I wrote you a personal email. I'll check in when I can and look forward to bickering with your over reviews, LOL. j/k. Peace, Mike