Wednesday, April 27, 2011

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) - 8 stars out of 10

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 8 stars out of 10

Despite hearing less-than-impressive reviews, I believe that this rivals the best of the X-men movies.  With Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber as the leading guys, the acting is incredibly intense from the start as the movie is introduced with one of the most exciting title sequences in cinema.  I believe that I received this movie exactly as it was intended - as a viewer who did not understand Wolverine's motivations in the X-Men movies, struggling to relate to this character and needing background information to understand the gruff exterior.  After seeing this film, Wolverine has become my favorite X-Men character as I can now see the tortured side of his early life through this excellent character development.  The fighting was great and there were some cool special effects, though the CG powerplant just wasn't working for me.  In the end, Ryan Reynolds "transforms" into one of the most horrific-looking villains that I've ever seen and it was worth watching the whole movie for the pure adrenaline contained in the last big fight.  If you're a fan of super hero movies, this should definitely be on your list.

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