Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Matrix Revolutions - 6 stars out of 10

The Matrix Revolutions - 6 stars out of 10

The Matrix Revolutions cannot stand on its own as a complete film; it is merely an extension of the preceeding film. It manages to complete the "revolution" from the original's use of live-action sequences with an inclusion of CGI where necessary to a computer animated film that occasionally includes live actors. Many of the Zion battle sequences and particularly "the final battle" are completely CGI. This is not Star Wars: The Clone Wars - the production scene should have looked at what made the original Matrix so incredible and stuck with it. While I really enjoyed Bruce Spence as the trainman and Tanveer K. Atwal as Sati, I was annoyed that they found a way to include the Merovingian in this film and once again, he was entirely unnecessary. The Matrix offers some interesting visuals but falls short of the action sequences and story provided by Reloaded. The ending of the series is a confusing let-down and if I could, I would go back in time and stop watching after the original Matrix.

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