Friday, August 5, 2011

Mad City - 8 stars out of 10

Mad City - 8 stars out of 10
300th Review

An interesting interpretation of how the media can take an accidental crime and first turn the man into a hero, then lynch him. Travolta is not typically an actor that I like, but he was incredibly convincing - anybody who has never seen a "typical" Travolta movie would probably believe that in real life he is a nervous and insecure person. The best aspect of this film is the character development and transformation in Travolta, Hoffman, and (unexpectedly) Kirshner. Prosky (who I remember from Mrs. Doubtfire) was great and, though his role was limited to the first 10 minutes of the movie, he perfectly set up Hoffman's character development. I love Ted Levine in any cop role and Alda proved to be despicable. Overall, Mad City has a decent plot but its strong cast and great character development make it a great experience.

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