Saturday, December 10, 2011

Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire - 10 stars out of 10

Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire - 10 stars out of 10

This movie makes me so thankful for a family that loves me.  Few movies in cinema history have captured the realism seen in "Precious."  At first, it is difficult to believe that there are families that actually operate like this.  It then becomes even more difficult when you accept the reality of this film.  Her "stream of consciousness moments" are really sad as she replaces her pain and suffering with unrealistic hopes and dreams.  Mo'Nique is positively evil - her interactions with her daughter are very upsetting and her Oscar was well-deserved.  Honestly, you should think twice before seeing this if you are not prepared for disturbing family interactions.  Gabourey Sidibe gives an extremely emotional experience, capturing the highest highs and lowest lows along the way.  Paula Patton's character serves as an inspiration to all teachers out there, reminding us that it is our responsibility to believe in the kids who seem like they will never succeed.  Mariah Carey's performance is also excellent and the reason that this movie is so effective is because every actor interpreted their character's emotional development with perfection.  The dialogue in "Precious" is well-written and though I believe that "Up In the Air" should have won the Oscar, this was certainly a deserving script.  I am confident that this movie has secured its spot amidst critically-acclaimed dramas like "Rain Man" and "Girl, Interrupted."

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