Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil - 5 stars out of 10

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil - 5 stars out of 10

Its title alone makes "Tucker & Dale vs. Evil" seem absolutely absurd, and it is!  Who knew that two blissfully unaware hillbillies could create such a hysterical horror film?  You could argue that this film is making a deep statement about the dangers of judging a book by its cover... but you would be wasting your time.  The sole intention of this film is to make you laugh through cliche and irony.  I can't really call this a "quality" film but if you asked me if I was entertained, I would give an emphatic yes.  Each moment of irony is carefully crafted to create an "Are you serious?' moment, followed by graphic gore (which always manages to be humorous?) and an ever-growing love for these two hillbillies.  Tyler Labine steals the show with his dimwitted ignorance while Katrina Bowden provides enough eye candy to hold your attention for the first 20 minutes.  Then the ridiculousness begins.  This is definitely not a film for everyone.  I think that you need to have a love for horror films to interpret the deaths "the group of kids committing suicide on our property" as clever instead of dumb.  It's kind of like "Scary Movie," except that instead of making everything in dumb humor, it is just extreme irony.  Really the only movie to compare it to is "Zombieland" and although I feel that it falls a bit short of that, it's still worth watching if  smart humor and horror films are your thing.

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