Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dream House - 6 stars out of 10

Dream House - 6 stars out of 10

The oft-overdone "psychological thriller with a huge twist at the end that you could have never predicted" genre receives a facelift with "Dream House."  The thing that makes this film so good is the fact that the writers reveal the twist half-way through the movie.  This might seem like a boneheaded move by them, but it's what makes this film so fresh.  Instead of being shocked as the credits roll since the truth was revealed in the final five minutes of the film, this film toys with you by questioning whether the "truth" is actually true as you are trapped you between two realities.  And just when you think that there can't possibly be a logical explanation, the ending sequence wraps everything up very neatly.  The acting is good overall, though I'm biased since I love Naomi Watts and Rachel Weisz.  The development of Daniel Craig's character was good, creating a sudden shift in his personality once the truth is revealed.  The critics ripped this film to shreds but I think that "Dream House" is an exciting journey that leads you to dark, unexpected places and will keep you on the edge of your seat, far after the truth is revealed.

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