Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Miss Representation - 3 stars out of 10

Miss Representation - 3 stars out of 10

My distaste for "Miss Representation" has nothing to do with anti-feminist thoughts or even my disagreeing with some of the points made in this film; rather, I feel that this is a documentary with a good message that is presented in the wrong way to draw in its target audience.  The target audience of this film are mothers and daughters and I wish that I could encourage all parents to watch this film, but the lack of censorship would prevent me from recommending this to a lot of adults that I know.  I think that most parents need to reconsider the types of things that their children are exposed to through television and the internet but this film isn't clean enough to reach all of those parents.  This film could also be very empowering to young girls but then it shows the images that the documentary is encouraging parents to shelter their children from seeing.  It seems that the creators of this documentary would want parents to share this message with their children but a "good parent" (by the film's definition) shouldn't encourage their children to watch a film with a 40-second montage of news headlines about children being raped.  I agree with many of the points made in this film but the lack of censorship makes it seem like feminist propaganda.  I also felt my attention waning as the film progressed.  Many of the statistics stated in this documentary are interesting and convincing, but the format of a short interview clip followed by several written statistics on the screen grows tiresome after a while.  Good thought, poor execution, misplaced logic.

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