Saturday, July 2, 2011

The X-Files: Fight the Future (1998) - 6 stars out of 10

The X-Files: Fight the Future (1998) - 6 stars out of 10

"The X-Files: Fight the Future" is a decent alien movie following along with the popular tv series. The movie manages to create a story that any viewer can enjoy, though there is not any character development since it is assumed that you have already developed an attachment through the show. The acting isn't superb but Duchovny and Anderson play their roles well, while Martin Landau was a smart addition to the cast. "Will you still believe" after it is over? The film has a good balance of showing the aliens (as any moviegoer would expect) while keeping a lot of mystery by not showing TOO much. I wouldn't label this as a "must-see" but if you enjoy the tv series or enjoy alien movies, it's worth your time.

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