Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Room (2003) - 1 star out of 10

The Room (2003) - 1 star out of 10

"The Room" is notorious for possessing some of the worst acting in history, but no warning can prepare you for this 6-million dollar mistake.  Simply put, lead actor Tommy Wiseau (who also happens to be the writer, director, and producer) displays the worst acting in the history of film.  While I spent most of my time trying to figure out where his accent (in its emotionless, awkwardly timed glory) was derived from, the remainder of my time was spent being offended by his blubbery body and wrinkly nude buttox dominating the screen.  It would be bad enough if he gave the only terrible performance, but the entire cast was just abysmal.  Carolyn Minnott delivers every line with the same inflection, whether it is a line about finding financial stability with a person or her infamously sudden line about having breast cancer (which is then ignored for the remainder of the film).  I still can't figure out what the deal was with with Denny (played by Phillip Haldiman) as he jumps into bed with the two main characters and seems to be a teenager and an adult at the same time, and the rest of the actors seem like 3rd graders on stage for the first time.  The making the film has several entertaining stories, such as the majority of the film's dialogue being dubbed over (and failing to match the timing or emotions on screen) because the script contained so many long-winded, nonsensical monologues that needed to be removed.  A cast member claimed that the script contained "stuff that was just unsayable. I know it's hard to imagine there was stuff that was worse. But there was."  My favorite is the story of an actor (Kyle Vogt) who quit halfway through filming and the decision to have another actor deliver the remainder of the lines without his character ever being introduced into the plot or referred to by name.  It is sad that this is meant to be a serious movie, as the short-distance games of catch with a football (sometimes in tuxes), adult scenes that last way too long, and reaction to suicide become absolutely ludicrous and humorous.  View this movie at your own risk!

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