Friday, March 25, 2011

All About Eve - 9 stars out of 10

All About Eve - 9 stars out of 10

All About Eve provides genuine look into positive and negative aspects of theatre through an incredible story with unexpected twists and turns. The film is highlighted by the distinguished acting of several giants of the silver screen, as demonstrated by the Oscar nominations presented to Davis, Baxter, Holm, Ritter, and an Oscar win for George Sanders. Although I could go on and on about the fire in Davis' eyes or each wonderful scene featuring Holm, Anne Baxter steals the show (literally and figuratively!) It is hard to see her as anything but a sweet and plain girl until her transforming scene, suddenly shedding her innocence and revealing herself to be a gorgeous, manipulative, and conniving woman. The only thing that can beat this revelation is her emotional breakdown as the truth is revealed with one of the most potent slaps in film history. The narrative technique is wonderful as the opening sequence sets up an underlying mysterious question throughout the movie: How Eve will rise to receive such an award? This realistic portrayal of Broadway divas reveals the good and bad as the truth is revealed regarding the consequences of using people to get to the top... all under the guise of a beautiful violin theme and an innocent and devoted fan.

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