Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Crucible - 10 stars out of 10

The Crucible - 10 stars out of 10

The Crucible offers some of the most breathtaking acting to grace the silver screen. Arthur Miller's play is one of the most celebrated offerings from an American playwrite, as demonstrated by it's expected use in high school and college classrooms around the country. It dually serves as an allegory of McCarthyism and a painting of one of the grimmest events in American history. This production is perfect, as Daniel Day-Lewis portrays John Proctor with every bit of emotion and honor that Miller intended. Winona Ryder is absolutely evil, rising to the level set by the veteran actors surrounding her. Joan Allen also gives a chilling performance, while Campbell, Jones, and Scofield (who won a BAFTA award for Best Supporting Actor). With Miller at the helm for the screenplay, this version stays incredibly honest to the original play and elevates the audience to the level of frustration and anger that beams from Day-Lewis' eyes. If you have never experienced this interpretation of the classic play, add it to your cinematic bucket list.

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