Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dorian Gray - 5 stars out of 10

Dorian Gray - 5 stars out of 10

Interesting story, average film. While this ultimate tale of narcissism is fascinating, the special effects were really cool, and Ben Barnes visually made the perfect Dorian Gray, the graphic sexual content was just too much. From what I can gather from a little research, Oscar Wilde's novel did contain homosexuality but not the bro...thels that were shown in this adaptation of the story. I do understand that this graphic portrayal shows the corruption of Gray and why the painting becomes so disfigured, but those moments were not pleasant to watch. The film is well cast and provides great acting (particularly Rachel Hurd-Wood as Sibyl) but anybody who has "virgin eyes" might do better with an older version that stays truer to the original novel.

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